Friday, June 25, 2010

FinReg... One More Reason to Say Goodbye to Incumbents

Yet another 2000 page Bill largely unread, and, under the cloak of darkness, 5:39AM, hardly the light of day, our elected representatives, against the will of their constituents, vote to pass legislation.
How can we tell this Bill will be another disaster, that's easy, Obama is claiming victory.
That being the case, the facts are rather simple, the Bill gives the government the right to audit and investigate private industry without the benefit of a warrant, furthermore the 2 main culprits responsible for the financial crisis, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac remain unaddressed by this regulation and will do little to reign in the reckless behavior of Wall Street.
Typical of Washington these days, the rush to legislation seems to be done in order to get something passed before public scrutiny. The justification ala' Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal): "We can fix it later".
We all know now how well that worked with the HealtCare Bill, the latest OMB numbers show the Bill will in fact cost $1.5 trillion rather than a surplus of $154 Billion over 10 years.
There is little point in rehashing all the gory details of the HealthCare Bill, the Stimulus Bill, Cap and Trade Legislation or FinReg, the fact is if we don't take government back from elitist career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and Charlie Rangel we will sooner rather than later no longer recognize our own Country.