Friday, June 25, 2010

FinReg... One More Reason to Say Goodbye to Incumbents

Yet another 2000 page Bill largely unread, and, under the cloak of darkness, 5:39AM, hardly the light of day, our elected representatives, against the will of their constituents, vote to pass legislation.
How can we tell this Bill will be another disaster, that's easy, Obama is claiming victory.
That being the case, the facts are rather simple, the Bill gives the government the right to audit and investigate private industry without the benefit of a warrant, furthermore the 2 main culprits responsible for the financial crisis, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac remain unaddressed by this regulation and will do little to reign in the reckless behavior of Wall Street.
Typical of Washington these days, the rush to legislation seems to be done in order to get something passed before public scrutiny. The justification ala' Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal): "We can fix it later".
We all know now how well that worked with the HealtCare Bill, the latest OMB numbers show the Bill will in fact cost $1.5 trillion rather than a surplus of $154 Billion over 10 years.
There is little point in rehashing all the gory details of the HealthCare Bill, the Stimulus Bill, Cap and Trade Legislation or FinReg, the fact is if we don't take government back from elitist career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and Charlie Rangel we will sooner rather than later no longer recognize our own Country.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Residents get Results!

The Ulster County Legislature, lead by the Republican Majority is functioning as voters had hoped. It has curbed a runaway executive and brought the Democrat County Exec himself back to the middle, if not slightly right on fiscal matters.
Countering a Democrat Executive and Democrat lead Legislature was the mantra of all fiscal conservatives running this past November. It is safe to say they know why they were elected, and to the satisfaction of residents from New Paltz to Saugerties and Kerhonkson to Kingston they seem to be fulfilling their campaign pledge.
What is not really news and actually expected is the move by Mike Hein, the proverbial ‘drunken sailor’ to a position of fiscal responsibility. But can a leopard really change his spots.
We think not, it is more likely the fear of challenging the Republican Majority and his desire for re-election that has forced this move to the center. We’ve seen him in action, its like he can’t help himself from running his mouth and opening the county checkbook.
Now it seems he is trying every trick in the book to appear conscious of the impending economic disaster that is befalling the State and County.
Smart voters realize that it would have been more prudent of him if he had anticipated what most of us were painfully aware of even before he took office, the fact that county spending was out of control and a bad economy would only exacerbate the situation.
But as a Bull in a China Shop, go Mike go, he increased his executive staff by six and spent the Democrat majority into exile.
It is important to keep Mr. Hein’s first year as County Exec fresh in our mind and realize that it the counter balance of the Republican Legislature lead by Fred Wadnola that is responsible for reining him in.
Now all we need to do is change Albany and Washington and taxpayers across the nation might once again see prosperity in their future.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

November is Not Far Off...............

The past few months have been both successful and challenging. We have seen voters take charge of their futures in the elections of Governors of Virginia and New Jersey and the election of Scott Brown, the 1st Republican Senator elected to fill Ted Kennedy's seat in over 45 years. Considerable achievements in the wake of the 2008 Presidential Election which saw voter frustration with DC Politics at an all time high.
While it is true that the American voter sent a clear message at the ballot box, it seems that it has fallen upon deaf ears. It seems not only did they not get the 'change' they had hoped, they have gotten DC politics on steroids. Yes, voter disappointment is still at an all time high, polls portray an electorate so upset with the administration and both houses of Congress that little can be said or done to quell unrest. To rehash the individual reasons is redundant. The Health Care Bill passed by the Democrat Party in a manner so derisive to the American voter that public discourse has manifested itself as true anger and has become a issue to officials on both sides of the political divide.
It is easy to understand when you force unpopular legislation down the throats of voters in such a condescending manner, little will surface that is not partisan in policy and practice.
For this reason as well as many others so obvious to everyone except the media and Washington Elites, November 2010 elections are more critical than any since WWII. The direction our nation pursues for the next few decades is at steak, and even without the attention of a partisan media, the American People are more informed than ever and will elect men and women with character who will once again defend and uphold the Constitution rather than cripple it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Current Events or Current Non-Events Part 2.....

In Keeping our Promise to follow up on Ulster Count Events............

Here is Part 2 in the Series
  • Terry Bernardo- The wife of Heins former opponent, Independence Party Chair, Len Bernardo, has assumed the mantle of leadership of one of the legislatures most compelling committee’s. Government Operations and Efficiency. And although the big 3 of County Government were asked to meet with the committee, to discuss their concerns with the County personnel policy, which was written in the 80’s, only Fred Wadnola, the legislative chair, and Elliot Auerbach the county comptroller, were respectful enough of the Legislature to attend. As usual, ( I will not be summoned) Hein, who makes summoning people, including the press to his office, an art form, sent his “pit bull” County Attorney, to discuss his feeling about a revision to the personnel Policy. There he goes again, as promised, he is leading the way. Accompanying Ms Havranek, were Brenda Bartholemew, the Personnel director, who is only responsible for performing HR services, and Marshall Beckmann, the former mental health director, and an obvious part of any Hein administration, to appear in his place. ( there has to be some irony in the fact that  one of Heins closest confidants is a mental health  professional) Unfortunately, after a couple of hours, we still don’t know where Hein stands on anything. Nothing new there, as most people in Ulster County are still trying to figure out what he does, or stands for. On a political note, he sent his lackey, Legislator Brian Shapiro to insist that the committee direct all ethics considerations to the County Ethics Panel, appointed by Hein, to review the ethics rules, which are almost daily, violated by Hein. Nice going Brian. We think Brian might be, smelling a little too much “Cat-nip” over at the SPCA, where he serves as Executive Director, and is completely beholden to the County Executive to make sure a stipend was included in Heins budget for the organization that employs him. Hmmmmmm. These guys have their own idea of ethics, don’t they?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Current Events...... or Current Non-events?

Well, the political season is heating up, and the temperature on the 6th floor of the county office building is almost summer-like. Word leaking (as you know, information is very tightly controlled by Executive Hein) has our favorite county executive, in a virtual meltdown these days. What could possibly be troubling Ulster Countiy’s most photogenic politician? Well lets’ see…

  1. Word has it, that the “brains “of the outfit, Adele Reiter, is on vacation. Insiders, who dare not be quoted, tell the Sentinel staff, that Hein cannot function without her. He is going to be in real trouble in the next, inevitable campaign, if she finds out that there is no need for her and her MD husband to contribute $10,000 to secure a job for her, as he can’t function without her. Chapter and verse of the truthfulness of this observation is his conduct during her absence. More to follow on this, as soon as we can cover the tracks of those leaking the information.
More to Follow………….

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Famous Quotes: Part 1 Thomas Jefferson

 In between Posts relating to our county government and it's performance we will offer posts in the form that follow to explain why America is the Greatest Experiment in Liberty the world has ever known!

It has been said: 
"the greatest volume of sheer brainpower in one place occurred when Jefferson dined 
alone... "         

"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, 
we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
Thomas Jefferson 

"The democracy will cease to exist 
when you take away from those who are willing to work 
and give to those who would not. "
Thomas Jefferson 

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. 
A principle which if acted on 
would save one-half the wars of the world." 
Thomas Jefferson 

"I predict future happiness for Americans 
if they can prevent the government 
from wasting the labors of the people 
under the pretense of taking care of them." 
Thomas Jefferson 

"My reading of history convinces me 
that most bad government results from too much government."
Thomas Jefferson 

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." 
Thomas Jefferson 

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, 
to protect themselves against tyranny in government. "
Thomas Jefferson 

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time 
with the blood of patriots and tyrants. "
Thomas Jefferson 

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes 
the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors 
is sinful and tyrannical. "
Thomas Jefferson 

The United States of America was not just an extension of England and a European Ideology, it is a concept born of man's desire to be free! Why then do many of our leaders wish to take us back centuries under the guise of a Progressive Movement, when the idea alone is as regressive as it can be?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Massachusetts Rising!

Just in case anyone in county government hasn’t yet gotten the message: elected officials serve at the pleasure of their electorate, I suggest you review what has occurred in the State of Massachusetts.

Just as Ulster County Legislature's newly elected Republican Majority, Scott Brown, the new senator from that state has overcome enormous odds and afforded the Nation the checks and balances that keep government responsible.

The message, carried from the hills of Virginia to the farms of New Jersey is now being read in the city of Boston, ‘unbridled spending and unpopular programs and policies will not get you re-elected'.
Just as the voters of Ulster County voiced their will last November, the people of Massachusetts have echoed our plea.

We New Yorkers will face similar challenges this November as we send our message to Albany and Washington DC. It is time to change the tide from entitlement programs to earned income. Responsible government respects the people that pick up the tab, the taxpayer. Keep this in mind, when you consider if New York needs another Coumo, especially one who makes his father, former Governor Mario Coumo look conservative, NYS welfare rolls grew dramatically under his tenure as our Governor. If Patterson should get the Democratic nod, remember the failures of his Administration. We can also do without a failed Tennessee congressman 'carpetbagging' his way up the Hudson.

Republicans, Independents and Conservatives have good honest leaders in the wings, Collins, Lazio and Guiliani top the chart. We don’t have to settle for merely adequate leaders. November is not that far away, we can carry the message from Boston to Albany and in 2012 on to Washington. We deserve a seat at the table, after all it is our table and we paid for the diner! 

Even ACORN couldn’t steal this one.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trouble at the Top

Waste and inefficiency in Ulster County Government, do ya' think?
County Exec Hein is going to have his hands full defending his position on this one.
It is his standing position that the Legislature has no right to evaluate and advise the the Executive branch regarding the efficiency of the various departments. He claims the County Charter expresses no such authority.
Whether it is due to policy or practice, if inefficiency exists wouldn't you expect that the County Executive would want it resolved for the benefit of the taxpayer.
Mr. Hein's efforts to prevent the Legislature by protesting the formation of just such a committee is contrary to why the Charter form of government was adopted  by voters in the first place.
It's main objective: to streamline government and control spending.
No one ever imagined the biggest culprit for waste in management would be the executive itself.
Hein's office has tripled in size since his election, what's more the County Comptrollers office has done the same, as well as hiring outside consultants.
Are they afraid they might be the target?
It seems Comptroller Aurbach is staying ahead of the curve, (but not out of the crosshairs), with all the issues confronting county finances Aurbach has chosen to utilize his resources to audit the attendance of County Legislators.
Having lost the support of a Democrat majority, unless both men get a handle on why the were elected,  it may prove to be a long year at County Headquarters.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I "Swear" It was a Success!

6:00 PM:
As 33 members of the Ulster County Legislature took there seats for the 1st time in 2010 and prepared to be sworn to serve the good citizens of the County there seemed to be little if any tension in the crowded Assembly Hall. The new Republican majority, 18-15 seemed no issue whatsoever.
The 1st order of business was the instillation of the new Chairman, Fred Wadnola. Escorted by new Majority Leader, Paul Hansut and Minority Leader, Jeanette Provenzano, Mr. Wadnola took the Chairman's seat.
In a short but emotional acceptance speech, Chairman Wadnola outlined his goals for the coming year, defined the Legislatures challenges ie; Reducing and Redistricting the County's 33 Legislator seats to 23 and establishing a balance to the Executive.
Other issues of concern was the Legislatures failure to determine 'Appropriations, and set Policy', a situation Susan Zimet (D) New Paltz recanted as she pledged her support to the Chairman's agenda.
The only contentious voice in the entire Assembly was that of Jeanette Provenzano, (D) Kingston as her recollection of the Legislature's performance the last year was one of greater success.
As all 9 resolution's were enacted without opposition, Ms Provenzano later took issue with an amendment presented by newly elected republican Legislator, Terry Bernardo, also Chairwoman of an oversight committee intended to look into County Waste and Inefficiency. Ms Bernardo attempted to appease the Minority leader but Ms. Provenzano seemed concerned more with the language rather than the substance of the amendment.
By the way, this committe fell under the criticism of County Exec, Michael Hein who not only questioned the Legislatures authority but who seems to feel that waste and inefficiency is an acceptable evil and the residents of the County have no right to complain. As usual Mr. Hein resents any criticism regarding his performance and that of the Executive. He has gotten accustomed to facing no opposition or questions regarding his performance. This too shall change!
All said and done the meeting was adjourned and all in attendance were invited by GOP Committee Chair, Mario Catelano to a reception at the SkyTop Restaurant & Steakhouse.
For the time being, party lines seem almost invisible, for the sake of the County, let's hope it stays that way.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Battle Lines Being Drawn

It seems County Exec Hein can't wait for January 6th to get here. He, in his usual 'bull in a China shop' manner, has gone out and fired the first volley at not yet inducted Legislative Chairman, Fred Wadnola.
As reported in both the Times Herald Record and Kingston Times, 'Headfirst Hein' intimated that Mr. Wadnola was involved with the 'Lower Esopus River Watch' (LERW), in a less than ethical manner. While LERS was investigated by the NYS Attorney Generals Office, their report found Fred's affiliation to be above board, the investigation also showed Mr. Wadnola's involvement came long after the period in question.
There are few people in the public arena (sometimes even his Democrat friends fall in his cross hairs), that Mr. Hein has refrained from criticizing, many have been outright attacked but is the opinion of this blog that picking a fight with Fred could damage Hein's credibility even further, after all, Fred Wadnola's reputation for public service is well documented.
I think the next 2 years will be if nothing else, entertaining, it should provide topics for discussion for the balance of Hein's term as County Exec and make his re-election bid, (if he really thinks he has a chance), a little more difficult.

This is one fight Hein really doesn't want, especially when the long list of his questionable affiliations are fair game!