Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Massachusetts Rising!

Just in case anyone in county government hasn’t yet gotten the message: elected officials serve at the pleasure of their electorate, I suggest you review what has occurred in the State of Massachusetts.

Just as Ulster County Legislature's newly elected Republican Majority, Scott Brown, the new senator from that state has overcome enormous odds and afforded the Nation the checks and balances that keep government responsible.

The message, carried from the hills of Virginia to the farms of New Jersey is now being read in the city of Boston, ‘unbridled spending and unpopular programs and policies will not get you re-elected'.
Just as the voters of Ulster County voiced their will last November, the people of Massachusetts have echoed our plea.

We New Yorkers will face similar challenges this November as we send our message to Albany and Washington DC. It is time to change the tide from entitlement programs to earned income. Responsible government respects the people that pick up the tab, the taxpayer. Keep this in mind, when you consider if New York needs another Coumo, especially one who makes his father, former Governor Mario Coumo look conservative, NYS welfare rolls grew dramatically under his tenure as our Governor. If Patterson should get the Democratic nod, remember the failures of his Administration. We can also do without a failed Tennessee congressman 'carpetbagging' his way up the Hudson.

Republicans, Independents and Conservatives have good honest leaders in the wings, Collins, Lazio and Guiliani top the chart. We don’t have to settle for merely adequate leaders. November is not that far away, we can carry the message from Boston to Albany and in 2012 on to Washington. We deserve a seat at the table, after all it is our table and we paid for the diner! 

Even ACORN couldn’t steal this one.


  1. Joe,
    you said "newly elected Republican Majority, Scott Brown"

    He is #41 Republican. Dems still hold a firm Majority. It is just not Filibuster proof any longer.

  2. 2:32 PM The statement reads:
    "just as our newly elected Republican Majority", referring to the Ulster County Legislature's newly elected Republican Majority, "Scott Brown, the newly elected senator......................"
    I apologize for any confusion, thanks for pointing that out.
